Learning at Work students in the workplace
<91ÈÕº«AV class="heading heading--main heading--campaign heading--with-bg hide-on-mobile" > Learning at Work degree courses

Get a degree, without pressing pause on your career.

Our Learning at Work degree courses allow you to get a Bachelor's or Master's degree alongside your current job, without going to university full time.

You choose what you learn based on your professional and personal aspirations, and you can mix online modules and work based projects to suit what you need to learn. We'll help you build an approved study programme.

These courses offer a different way to learn.  Firstly, you're not studying on campus in structured lessons. Learning at Work courses are driven by self-study. You'll use your motivation, enthusiasm and time to complete your studies on your own terms. Second, the structure of your studies is individual to you. You'll choose your unique approach, from a range of mandatory and optional distance learning modules, and work based projects.

Work-based learning

Because our courses are work-based, you need to be in a full-time, part-time or voluntary role or internship. Your submission deadlines will still be set around the academic year, but you'll set some of the dates yourself –  especially for work based projects. 

You'll study while you're working, so you'll need to allocate time to your studies.  You'll be able to put the skills you learn to work instantly in your job, so you perform better and further contribute to the success of your company while you study.

Our courses

You can choose from a range of qualifications including:

  • Certificate in Higher Education in Professional Studies (Level 4)
  • Bachelor's and Master's courses in Business, Engineering, Maritime Studies, Creative Technologies and Enterprise, Applied Computing, Applied Science and Professional Studies
  • PGCert and MSc courses in Occupational Health & Safety Management and Occupational Health, Safety & Environmental Management

Discover our alternative work-based degrees

Find out how you can study around your work, and progress on your own terms.